2. Bundesliga

Germany League level: Second Tier
2. Bundesliga
  • Number of teams: 18 teams
  • Players: 519
  • Foreigners: 184 Players  35.5%
  • ø-Market value: €943k
  • ø-Age: 26.1
  • Most valuable player: Can Uzun  €12.00m

Mot goals per player per match

This overview contains a list of the players who have achieved the most goals in one game in the history of the league. Furthermore, each respective game as well as the season and the goals achieved during playing time are displayed.

Matches between:
Tomas Klinka
Right Winger
FC Erzgebirge Aue06/07FC Erzgebirge Aue88
Blaise Nkufo
1.FSV Mainz 0501/021.FSV Mainz 0588
Uwe Rösler
Tennis Borussia Berlin99/00VfL Bochum89